Tuesday, February 24, 2009

48 Minutes and Counting

"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."--Douglas Adams. 

Article on the campus restaurant extending it's hours due in 48 minutes. 

Word count needed: 750 
Word count accomplished thus far:  112 

It's times like these that I fail to remember why I'm dedicating my life to this industry...


Julia said...


I love how you have a hardcore deadline and yet, you blog. Oh, we are such soulmates. :)

I bet you got it all done, though. haha. Because I know you.

AlmostFreeThinker said...

Haha, the number of times that's happened to me...a lot :p

I hope Julia's right and you got it all done though...(You know you had fun, don't lie)

I mean where's the drama in starting on time???