Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Date With Huffington?

I had been counting the SECONDS until I got to see Arianna Huffington, co-founder/editor-in-chief of the Huffington Post. And when I found out that NOT ONLY was she coming to my school, but I was going to get to interview her for the Manitou Messenger?! Well, I almost passed out.

After spending the day diligently writing down/thinking up/frantically asking Free Spirits ideas for questions, I was ready. So I got to place where the interview was going to, for lack of better words, "go down". And I waited. And waited. And waited. Finally, someone working there told me that Huffington wasn't showing up...because it "just wasn't worth her time". Ouch. Nevermind that it was for 10 minutes, between dinner and her speech, and the school was paying her FOURTY-THOUSAND DOLLARS. This, needless to say, put a bitter taste in my mouth towards the outspoken liberal blogger, her Greek accent, and her shellacked hair. (Although, for the record, I'll still probably read the blog. Compulsively.)

I miss Tim Russert.


Chris Frenier said...

Silly Paula...liberals will always let you down

Kyle Rogers said...

sarah palin stood me up, too....

don't worry..

they'll regret it in their futures when free spirits take over....

Kelley said...

Oh no! I can't believe she did that. That's awful. It's okay, I don't think blog fame is real fame anyways.

Laura J. Nelson said...

I just got stood up too, by the Sartorialist.
People shouldn't underestimate college kids.