Friday, December 26, 2008

So my New Year's Resolution is starting a few days early: I'm blogging everyday, biznatches. Even if it's meaningless garbage that should be thought and never actually typed for the entire internet (or as Gus calls it, "the interwebs"), it'll go on here. Sidenote--How many times am I actually going to swear to blog more before I actually DO?!

Christmas was good. Very...Christmas-y. But the truth is, I have never in my life been MORE ready for the season to end. Putting away the tree, sealing up the boxes stuffed with animatronic singing Santas, taking down the mistletoe...for the first time in my life, I was more excited to take everything DOWN than to put it up and enjoy the glory of the "happiest time of year". So what exactly does this mean? That I'm turning into the 21st century's pastier version of the Grinch? Do I need the infamous three spirits of "A Christmas Carol" to visit me in my sleep and remind me that the season lives in our hearts blah blah blah? Is it just a matter of days before my own Clarence the angel ascends from the heavens to set me back on the right path? Or have I simply outgrown my childhood--and Christmas is going the way of Barbie dreamhouses and plastic dinosaurs? Does it have something to do with me now being in college, and having to be so focused on THAT, that the holidays are here and gone before it really has a chance to seek in? And, even more importantly, am I getting too self-inquisitive for my own good? Yikes. 


Kelley said...

No, I had a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit this year too. I think it just comes with growing up. Next year I'm going to try and make more of an effort to get into the Christmas spirit at school so I can feel it coming by putting up my own decorations and maybe creating/sending out a Christmas card of my own.

Yay for blogging every day! I can't wait to read! It's be good for you!

(PS: Be sure to give your blog entries titles, so that they can be clickable on the network.)

Laura J. Nelson said...

Paula, I definitely approve of your resolution!
I'm following suit, but I'm going to set the bar a little lower and aim for five times a week... I usually give myself the weekend off :)